Imagine this: You’re doing your work and going about your day, when suddenly you feel a sharp twinge of pain right behind your eyes and forehead. It’s very uncomfortable and you just want to get rid of it because it happens very often. Well, that’s a chronic headache, it can come and go as it pleases, and you may need to see a pain management doctor. Here are some of the things you can do to treat or manage it.
Causes Of Chronic Headache
That blistering headache that just won’t go away is going to be your worst enemy, especially if it’s at a point where you can’t even work anymore.
- There can be a lot of causes of chronic headache, but since it’s chronic, it will creep up on you from time to time and sometimes, you don’t even know what causes it in the first place.
- Chronic headache can be caused if you have a history of migraines. Migraines are just like headaches, but they can occur on just one part of your head and they’re painful, to say the least.
- Chronic headaches can also be caused if you’re someone who works digitally a lot. Using computers, staring at big and bright screens all day, every day can be very uncomfortable for not only the eyes but the brain as well.
- Chronic headaches are also caused by anxiety and depression or even lack of sleep. If it’s one of the three things, then get ready, because your head will hurt a lot.
Treatment & Management For Chronic Headache
Here are some of the medicinal and lifestyle modification routes that you can go on and try to relieve the piercing pain in your head.
Use Medicine
Medicine is always the best way to go if you want momentary relief from the pain. Here are some of the things you can try.
Beta Blockers
Beta blockers are usually prescribed to people with high blood pressure, but they can also be used to treat chronic headaches from time to time.
The main gist is that these medications go into the body and relieve the pressure of blood going through your veins and arteries. So, when you take these, you ultimately feel at ease and any sign of headaches will be gone for good. However, discuss with your GP first before using it.
If the cause of your headache is depression-related, you can kill two birds with one stone. Usually, antidepressants can be used to relieve your body of stress, but they can also help treat and alleviate any pain in the body, including your head.
These are good to take every day or whenever the pain or anxiety flares up. The headache will be worse if your anxiety or depression is through the roof.
These medications are the best to use if your pain is due to some reason of inflammation or swelling somewhere. There can be an injury on your head or some other thing that flares up when the area gets inflamed. So, NSAIDs are perfect to use in this case, because they go into the body and relieve the swelling. However, if the swelling in somewhere else, visit a doctor for diagnosis. For example, if it’s your limbs, then visit a podiatry clinic Woodbridge.
NSAIDs are also great for people who are withdrawing from serious painkillers but still want something on the side to help with their pain when it gets unbearable.
Stress Relieving Techniques
Mostly headaches are made worse when you’re constantly thinking about something and you’re just unable to relax. This is common to occur and if you want to find natural ways to treat it then you need to understand that relieving your body from the stress is crucial. Once you let the stress go, you will feel your body getting loose and relaxed.
There are tons of stress-relieving techniques out there. Be exercise, stretching, yoga, affirmations, or anything else – it is going to relieve the stress and you’ll feel the pain subside and eventually go away for good. These practices do take time, but when you train your body and mind to relax, everything gets easier.
Consider Acupuncture
This is a very ancient non-medicinal technique that is used for the treatment of various chronic diseases and disorders. You can try acupuncture and it is something that will give you great results.
Acupuncture is the technique in which the pressure points of your body are targeted with needles and the pressure is alleviated. This is similar to cupping therapy, and it has various benefits, like cleansing, alleviation of pain, and other things. So, if you’re stumped for options, then this is worth a go.
Massages Work
If you want to get a bit of relief from a headache and back pain and give your mind and body a rest too, then you need to opt for massages. Massages work like a charm. They stimulate the brain, get the blood flowing in different areas and it’s just an overall very comforting practice of relaxation and wiping the stress away.
You can focus the massage on your head and scalp and work it in to get out all of the painful knots. It will relax you to no end and you feel like a million bucks in no time.
Look For Triggers
Chronic headaches can also be caused by triggers. If you are someone who uses bright lights and smartphone or computer screens to work and this is the time when your headache flares up, then you need to understand that this is a trigger. Of course, you can’t possibly stop working.
For this, you can go about different routes. You can try lowering the brightness of the screen, muting it to a yellow tone, and even wearing blue light glasses to help protect your eyes.
Any discomfort in the eyes will also heighten the headache, so you want to be mindful of this fact. The same goes for anxiety or depression episodes. If you feel like your wave of anxiety is peeking, then you’ll feel a raging headache and that’s when you want to catch the trigger.
Deep Breathing
Another stress reliever can be deep breathing. This is something that you’ll need to sit down and practice for a bit, because a lot of people don’t even register their shallow breaths. You want to inhale deeply through the nose and keep the lungs expanded for a couple of seconds. It will be hard to do at first, but as you practice, things get easier.
When it’s time to exhale, eject out all of the air in the lungs through the mouth, even forcing your stomach to plummet in. Do this a couple of times and you see your heart rate as well as anxiety slow down.
Check Your Diet
You diet can also play a huge role in your health. If your head constantly hurts, then you need to check your diet as well. Are you consuming a balanced diet? Does your diet only consist of carbs and no fiber or protein? Well, you need to change that before things worsen.
Chronic headaches are really common in a lot of people and if you have it, then you would want to treat it than marinating in the pain forever. If you need a proper treatment or management plan, contact pain management clinics Woodbridge.